Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Should I Do This?

Ray said its awesome....

Jailbreak your shit
posted by Ray on Feb 25, 2009 12:39pm

Bob, I feel your iPhone pain. Ever since my iPhone threw itself into the toilet, it hasn't been the same. Missed calls, no service, crap battery life, the list of muck-ups goes on.

I've been wanting to go to the Apple store to try and exchange my suicidal phone, but knew i'd be greeted by the same smugness and uppity attitude you dealt with. Every time I step foot in that store, I feel like they're doing me a favor selling me their plain aluminum products and their white earbuds. I think I bought a pair of earbuds, and inside the package was an extra pair of them crap buds.

Angry at the lack of basic functions on the iPhone, and wanted to stick it back to the man, so I did the only thing a sane man would do...I jailbroke the thing.

For those who don't know what this is, basically you're "freeing" your phone from Jobs' shackles. Now I can copy and paste, personalize the theme on my phone, record movies, answer texts without constantly having to switch programs, search my emails, run programs in the background, send pictures in texts, quickly change settings without going through a million menus, play NES games, save Youtube videos, the list goes on. The crowning jewel is when I used my cell connection on the phone to download an e-book before a flight.

This shit is fun, and now I feel the iPhone lives up to it's pricetag. Do a search for quickpwn to get started, install winterboard, backgrounder, pdanet, sbssettings, and whatever else catches your eye. Most of all, enjoy your new found freedom.

Little Girls

Little Girls
Little Girls
Everywhere I turn i can see them
Little Girls
Little Girls
Night and ay i
eat sleep and breathe them I'm an ordinary woman with feelings
I'd like a man to nibble on my ear
But I'll admit
no man has bit
so how come I'm the mother of the year?

Bob...I <3 You

cool phone
posted by Bob on Feb 24, 2009 1:40pm

so after my phone stopped working for the 10th time of the day i accidentally dropped it against a concrete wall as hard as i could. i then took it to the apple store where they said it was my fault. i told them it was an accident. they said phones dont accidentally fly into walls. thats not true, look at the picture. then i pointed out that my circuit board is showing through the broken glass and that isnt gonna fly. i cut my ear on it whenever i get a call. they dont seem to care. i think they should replace it and they think im crazy. this clearly is a defective phone. ill see you on judge judy.

bob u r amazing, no doubt

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Best OF Us Can Find Happiness In Misery


I don't care what You think...this cactus man is awesome
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Science today was boring....

Yoga was fun but not like WONDERFUL :D

Math was actually okay

I got bored in Art :P



lol brandon is nominated for best dressed and worst dressed....tomorrow I'll give you all the info on what he and the band one :D

English madness is over on friday (soonISH)
SS over tomorrow aswell!!!! HOLY SHIT YESSS :D:D:D
no science
no p.e.
no math (actually there IS a test)
no art

Monday, February 23, 2009


the maddness of science is over (YES!!!)

the madness of social studies is over (:D)

spanish madness over tomorrow

English madness over friday


MAth never had madnesss,,,I repeat

Art never does either


omg I can't wait till p.e. tomorrow :D

Aaron says...

ahh, where to begin with a certain pissface teacher named Ms. Mannes...? Well, first of all, i'm preeeety sure she having lesbian romantic relationship with the principle and Boneyface (some kid at my school). Ok, fine, well, one thing that IS true is the fact that she ispsycho- bitch. And, another thing that is actually true, is that she is sorta fat, and she must know it becaouse she eats these "low-calorie Jenny Craig protein bars". But, once, she gave me one of them to eat cuz I didn't have a lunch, and they were SO SWEET!!! i checked thenutrition facts, and it had over 30 grams of sugar!!!!!!!! in one 3 or 4 inch bar!! and, there was a LOAD of artificialingredients, and a LOT of corn syrup. HAHAHAHa, so she is going to stay fat, i guess, if she keeps on eating those

last april

Sunday, February 22, 2009


starts tomorrow.....teacher please oh please be nice...I also have my science presentation AND English stuff tomorrow, so yes much to do but the science madness will be over tomorrow, and the english maddness will be over on friday so yesss :D

But spanish madness is on either wednesday or friday, (hopefully friday) we have a fucked up quiz wheere she asks ur questions orally and we have to answer them


but P.E., nothing is happening, al lthe madness (last week) is over
Math never has madness
Art never has madness
and oh god.....there is social studies madness 2...ahhhh I forgot all about it! SHIT

Monday, February 16, 2009


i got my haircut and its way better than i thot it would the color reddish black its so pretty :D and i got layers but anyways more importantly, I'M MISSING FRED TO DO MY FUCKING HW and I'm so pissed about that....>_< I have to write an english essay and I'm sucking.....failing.....ahg michelle wrote 6 pages!! I'm still on a short paragraph...I'm gonna fucking die......please please get a good grade on this shit

to top that

tomorrow is a LACROSSE TEST

and I have a big presentation due in science on thursday and I haven't even started!! FUCKERS!!!! Ahg can't wait till i get this week over with merligndef

I am...getting

a haircut soon! It better look good betches!! WISH MEH LUCK

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Oopsie! Looks like we just made a Boo Boo...

This error has been logged and we'll try to fix it as soon as possible!


okay, stephanie tan met FRANK IERO today!!! AHHGG FUCKIN IERO!!!! AND AND ANDDDDD i

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


nothing new, I'm in utah bored as hell can't wait to get back home :D yeash finally and im' hooked on harry potter AGAIN!! well cia :D

Friday, February 6, 2009


Hey guys! I'm going to utah to skii, (even though i'm fucking sick!!) soo....see you guys next friday!! A WEEK FROM TODAY

I'm bringing my computer so i'll update, send picures, and talk to ya :D

Wednesday, February 4, 2009



My Chemical Romance - Desolation Row

to this....


this is just for facebook so i can flip the picture around....completely ignore it please

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

fucky art...the next ones better

BUT WHATEVER check this one out anyways but the next one is better believe me



the bass the rock the mic the treble I like my coffee black just like my metal! :F

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Let The Flames Begin

What a shame l became such a fragile, broken thing
A memory remains just a tiny spark
I give it all my oxygen,
So let the flames begin
So let the flames begin

Oh, glory
Oh, glory
This is how I'll dance when
When they try to take me down
This is what will be, oh glory

Somewhere weakness is my strength,
And I'll die searching for it
I can't let myself regret such selfishness
My pain and all the trouble caused,
No matter how long
I believe that there's hope
Buried beneath it all and
Hiding beneath it all, and
Growing beneath it all, and...

This is how I'll dance when
When they try to take me down
This is how I'll sing out loud
This is how I'll stand when
When they burn my house down
This is what will be, oh glory

Reaching as I sink down into light.
Reaching as I sink down into light.

This is how I dance when
When they try to take me down
This is how I'll sing out loud
This is how I'll stand when,
When they burn my house down
This is what will be, oh glory